William Quigley
Avenge Rohhad Captain BraveHeart, 2024
Oil, acrylic, oil crayon, pastel, charcoal, pencil and mixed media on Canvas
198 x 162 cm
198 x 162 cm
In 2018 Captain America Actor Chris Evans, commissioned artist William Quigley to paint a 1973 Marvel Comic....
In 2018 Captain America Actor Chris Evans, commissioned artist William Quigley to paint a 1973 Marvel Comic cover for his friend Robert Downey Jr., it's now in IronMan's LA home. Downey's story of flying to the home of then 12 yr of Aaron Hunter, stricken with a rare disease called Rohhad, and naming him Captain Braveheart, inspired Quigley to start a second Avenger Painting and get involved in Marvel and Universal Studios fight to Avenge the dreadful disease Rohhad.